Thursday, January 29, 2009

Kamri Turned 10 Months!

It is so amazing to me how the last 10 months have vanished! Kamri turned 10 months on Tuesday, the 27th...WOW!!! She crawled for the first time on Tuesday, I was at work and my sister Shae was tending her and Kinley, when I got the phone call from Kinley telling me that Kamri was crawling I wanted to just go home! It isn't just no little crawl, she's rearing to go! And yesterday she said 'Momma' for the first time. She has been saying 'Dadda' since she was like 7 months old, and everytime I tell her 'Momma' she replies with a 'Dadda'! I didn't think this day would ever come!!!
I'm just thinking, in March, I'm going to be planning 2 birthday parties...Kinley will be 4 and Kamri 1. It's so sad, I don't know where the time has gone!

OuR LiTtLe DaNcEr!!!

I was so glad when I first found out that Kinley was finally old enough to dance! She's been 'shakin' her bum-bum' since she was like a year old! I enrolled her with "Showtime Dance" with Leslie Lloyd....and she loves every minute of it! She pays close attention to Leslie and even tries to play 'Mother Hen' with the other students! Saturday night was A Dance Invitational, 3 different dance teams came together and all danced. Kinleys 3 year old dance class danced to 'Strawberry Shortcake'. Since it was her first time in front of a big crowd we didn't exactly know if she was going to freeze, or strut her stuff, well, she strutted her stuff! And did a good job at that! These pics may be a little blurry, I was trying to watch her and wasn't paying much attention to my camera! It was so fun and we are looking forward to the rest of the year, and years to come!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Matching PJ's

For Christmas my Grandma Lish got them matching horsey Pajama's. She found them at Vickers and had to get them! It is hard to find them matching clothes with the size gap, but she managed to find them P.J.'s and they are so adorable! They also came with a robe, which right now are too hot. And look at those little feet! Too cute!

Kamri's First Pony

Today I put Kamri's hair in her first real's for sure not long enough to be doing this to it everyday, but it's something different...and cute! It is a little hard to see in this picture, so I might just have to take another picture and post it.

Christmas Day

Yes, I know, it's the middle of January, but I'm going to share some of our Christmas pictures. We were home that morning opening presents and when we got finished the weather was horrible. So Brady and Kinley took the truck to see if we could make it to my Mom and Dads house. Dinner was over there, and all the food was already over there, I didn't wanna make hamburgers for Christmas dinner! So when Brady and Kinley got back 30 minutes later (it should have only took 10!) I had everything ready...including Pajamas! It took a long time to get over to my Moms, but we made it! Dinner was great, and so was the Bed and Breakfast!